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(c)1997/8 BTX/WebWorks

If you can't read text below,
please click on the truck above.
BTX - The Boat Exchange - provides the most
efficient way to let many of the most skilful
boat transporters look at your boat moving job.
All seafarers know that boats and ships get stuck
in some of the darndest places.
Perhaps the cruising yacht you were hoping to
sail home to the North Sea for the winter is still
moored in a Mediterranean marina.
Or that fine motor cruiser you're wanting to sell at
the boat show is sitting in a hard-to-find workshop...
with only two or three days left to go.
A yacht in the wrong place can turn out to be the
boat you most wanted to buy.
Or maybe it's an emergency... a stranding or an
engine breakdown.
If you have a boat to move by land or sea,
whether it's just a few miles down the road
or half way round the globe, you can now post
the details of your job on BTX, for inclusion on
The Boat Exchange Bulletin Board.
BTX is the virtual market place where transporters
exchange traffic information.
All yachtsmen, all mariners, all sailors, are
welcome on BTX... in a sailing emergency
or at their leisure.
There is no need to waste money 'phoning or
writing round to spread word about your job.
Just one shot from your desk to BTX is all you
need to reach a dozen boat transporters.
The BTX Questionnaire will ask for the important
facts about your job. The BTX professionals will
call you back to discuss the details or drop you
some immediate price quotations.
It's that simple - and it's a free service.
Who knows?
Your transport job might just fit the schedule
of one of Europe's long haul boat transporters.
For the transporter, it could be a welcome return
load that he can offer to his customer at a much
lower price.
You might both be saving time & money and...
helping to save the planet's resources.
A tricky job that looks too difficult or too expensive
might be plain sailing when viewed from the desk of
a boat transport engineer with years of nuts and bolts
No job is too small.
Few boat delivery jobs are too big
to be solved by someone,
somewhere on the Internet
... using BTX.

If you offer a service of interest to boat
owners (or have one to recommend) and
would like to see Internet Access details
included on our Links Menu, you can
send information now by clicking here.
We will check the URL and visit the site.
There is no charge for entries we accept.

BTX offers you full-page advertising
on this site, with menu links to take
visitors straight to your information.
Almost anything can be adapted to
go live on BTX - from magazine ads
to company brochures & order forms.
See the possibilities and get details here.

What's your URL?
No Internet address yet?
You can get one here, now...
with far less cost and complication
than you've heard about elsewhere.
And your advertising pages will run
free on BTX every day! Check the facts.

Who needs a computer?
With BTX, your company can get
all the benefits of Internet exposure
including WorldWideWeb address,
'live' advertising or order forms on
your own site...without spending
on PC hardware. Find out more.

You need an Internet
BTX offers a complete hardware
and software package 'up and
running' and Internet connected
with address, advertising site,
eMail - and more - for the same
price as 'ordinary' PCs.*Ask here


